General Terms and Conditions

  1. Scope & Defense Clause

    The following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to the business relationship between Cirou GmbH, Edisonstr.6 85716 Unterschleißheim, Germany, and the customer (hereinafter referred to as customer or user) in the version available on the website, in the business premises, and in the vehicles of Cirou Chauffeurservice München GmbH. Deviating terms and conditions of the customer are rejected unless Cirou Chauffeurservice München GmbH has agreed to their validity in writing. By accessing the website cirou.deand its associated pages (hereinafter referred to as “website” or “online presence”), you confirm that you have read these terms and conditions. Cirou Chauffeurservice München GmbH reserves the right to change or update these GTC at any time with future effect. The current version of the GTC is available on the website, in the business premises, and in the vehicles of Cirou Chauffeurservice München GmbH from the time of their validity. For trips abroad, passengers are obliged to be in possession of valid identification documents, visas, or residence permits.

  2. Subject Matter of the Contract & Conclusion of the Contract

    Offers from the provider are always non-binding unless otherwise agreed in writing. The customer can place their order in writing, electronically, or verbally. A contract is concluded only upon written or electronically provided booking confirmation of the order by the provider. If the content of the confirmation deviates from the order, this constitutes a new offer to the customer. Cirou Chauffeurservice München GmbH reserves the right to withdraw if the acceptance of an order is based on a printing, arithmetic, or writing error. These GTC regulate the conclusion of the contract and the contractual relationship between the provider and the customer.
    Cirou Chauffeurservice München GmbH offers the following services:
    • Transportation of persons with vehicles, chauffeur service with taxis and rental cars, airport transfer, transfer service, trade fair trips, day and long-distance trips, event trips, pick-up service, excursion trips, errand trips, sightseeing tours.

  3. The provider’s obligations towards the customer are determined by the provider’s booking confirmation and the customer’s booking. The provider’s service offer includes providing the agreed vehicle and driver and carrying out the transport to the agreed destination or purpose. The application of contract law for works is excluded. Excluded from the provider’s service offer are: a) Supervision of persons to be transported, especially children, adolescents, and persons in need of assistance, b) Supervision of carried luggage, hand luggage, and other belongings of the transported persons, which the customer carries or leaves with the provider after the transport, c) Information on foreign exchange, passport, visa, customs, and health regulations and compliance with the resulting obligations.
    Service changes by the provider that become necessary after the conclusion of the contract to fulfill the contractual obligations are permissible if the circumstances leading to the service change were not brought about by the provider in bad faith and are reasonable for the customer. The provider is obliged to inform the customer of any changes immediately upon becoming aware of them. Information from brochures, price lists, and similar content and information only become part of the contract if this is expressly agreed upon. The transportation of the customer and passengers is carried out according to the regulations of the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO) and the Passenger Transportation Act (PBefG). Passengers must follow the instructions of Cirou Chauffeurservice München GmbH or the driver. If passengers do not follow instructions or pose a danger according to the StVO or to road safety by impairing the driver, Cirou Chauffeurservice München GmbH is entitled to exclude them from transportation. In this case, Cirou Chauffeurservice München GmbH will charge the full fare, including the kilometer rate and all additional and special services.

  4. Contact, Use, and Booking

    The user can select a transportation service from the provider via the website The provider offers its transport service offers, including its qualifications, vehicles, prices, and other performance-relevant features. The USER can search for available vehicles and transport capacities on the provider’s website, select them, and book them via the platform. The booking process for transportation services on the online platform involves the following steps:
    • Enter pick-up location and destination
    • Enter date and time
    • Determine price and vehicle
    • Choose payment method and book
    • Receive booking confirmation

  5. The customer will receive a preliminary and non-binding reservation confirmation along with the General Terms and Conditions by email after completing all entries.

  6. Rights and Obligations of the User

    Registration on the online platform by the user is free of charge. After registration, the user is entitled to use the provider’s services. For registration, the user must provide the following truthful and complete information on the online platform:
    • First and last name
    • Address
    • Phone number

  7. Changes to the provided data must be promptly updated by the user in their user account. The user must verify the booking data received with the booking confirmation. The user is obliged to report discrepancies in the booking confirmation, a cancellation, their or the driver’s delay, as well as the driver’s no-show at the meeting point immediately to the provider. The user is granted the right to use the website within the framework of the general terms of use. The user is not entitled to secure, reproduce, modify, or decompile the website content through download or otherwise, unless permitted by sections 69 d, e of the Copyright Act. The user undertakes not to pass on data (e.g., driver contact details) obtained through the use of the online platform to third parties or use it commercially in any way. The user ensures that they do not use the services in a way that damages, disables, overloads, or otherwise impairs the provider’s server or connected networks. If the user violates the granted usage rights, their right to use the platform will expire immediately and automatically revert to the provider. The user is responsible for providing the technical requirements for proper and error-free reception/use. This primarily concerns the hardware and operating system software used by the user. In the event of a violation of the General Terms and Conditions or user obligations, the provider is entitled to terminate the user account.

  8. Prices

    The price agreed upon at the time of contract conclusion applies. Upon conclusion of the transport contract and payment of the transport price, the user will receive an invoice in their user account or, if they do not have one, it will be sent to their provided email address. All ancillary costs typically incurred in connection with the agreed service (e.g., road and parking fees, accommodation costs for the driver(s)) are included in the price unless otherwise agreed. Additional costs incurred due to the customer’s desired service changes will be charged additionally. Claims for costs incurred by the provider due to damage or contamination remain unaffected. In case of late payment, Cirou Chauffeurservice München GmbH is entitled to charge the statutory default interest rate and a reminder fee of 10.00 EUR. All price information is in EURO and includes the applicable VAT unless otherwise stated.

  9. Payment

    Upon conclusion of the contract, the customer is obligated to pay the agreed prices for these services to the provider. This also applies to billed services and expenses of third parties. The agreed prices include the applicable VAT. The following payment methods are available to the customer:

    • Prepaid with PayPal:
      Payment of the invoice amount is made via the online provider PayPal. Registration is required for this. After authorization with access data, the payment instruction can be made to the provider. Further information is provided during the respective ordering process.

    • Prepaid with Credit Card:
      The provider accepts Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. The credit card is charged automatically upon verification at the time of order. When entering a new customer address, re-entry of payment data is required.

    • Payment with Credit Card:
      Payment with a credit card is made by the driver, who is authorized to accept the fare.

  10. Services and Contractual Obligations

    The scope and content of the services are derived from the respective booking confirmation and service description as well as the contract. Changes or deviations of individual services from the agreed contractual content, which become necessary after the conclusion of the contract for reasons not attributable to us, are permissible provided they do not significantly impair the event and remain unchanged in their entirety. We will inform you of any service changes without delay. Cirou Chauffeurservice München GmbH reserves the right to change the advertised and confirmed prices to the extent that third-party prices for booked services change without the provider’s fault. This particularly affects transportation prices due to increased fuel costs, port fees, or exchange rate changes. Price increases are only permissible if they were not foreseeable at the time of contract conclusion. The reasons for price increases must be proven in detail by the provider.

  11. Withdrawal, Termination before Commencement of Transport

    The customer can withdraw from the transport contract before the start of transport. In case of withdrawal by the customer, the provider is entitled to reasonable compensation instead of the agreed fee. The amount of compensation is determined by the agreed fee minus the provider’s saved expenses. The provider is entitled to quantify the compensation claim as follows:
    • Cancellation of booked trips is free if there is more than one hour between the cancellation and the driver’s departure time for the booked travel date. If this time is undercut, the full price is payable. A valid cancellation can only be made in writing with confirmation issued by Cirou GmbH.
    • Long-term bookings, organized transfers with additional effort, and long-distance trips from 100 kilometers are excluded. The following cancellation fees apply to the mentioned transfers:
      • Cancellation fees up to 48 hours before the travel date – free cancellation
      • Cancellation fees up to 24 hours before the travel date – 50% of the agreed price
      • Cancellation fees up to 12 hours before the travel date – 80% of the agreed price
      • Cancellation fees within 12 hours before the travel date – 100% of the agreed price
    • If the passenger does not show up at the agreed meeting point, the full fare will be charged, provided the customer is at fault. The agreed cancellation fees apply. The driver will wait for 15 minutes after the agreed pick-up time. If the customer has not canceled by then and does not appear within 15 minutes at the agreed meeting point, the transport will be deemed as a no-show, resulting in full fare payment.
  12. The customer is entitled to prove that the provider has not incurred any damages or only minor damages. The right of withdrawal according to section 312 g para. 2 no. 9 BGB (German Civil Code) does not apply to transport services.
    In case of force majeure or other extraordinary circumstances (e.g., severe weather, official measures, traffic obstruction, significant operational disruption, etc.), the provider is entitled to withdraw from the transport contract. The provider is also entitled to withdraw if the execution of the transport service becomes impossible due to circumstances for which neither party is responsible. The customer will be informed immediately about the withdrawal. In these cases, the provider is not liable for damages.

  13. Liability and Warranty

    The provider is liable for damages resulting from injury to life, body, or health caused by an intentional or negligent breach of duty by the provider or an intentional or negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or vicarious agent. For other damages, the provider is only liable if they were caused by intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by the provider or an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or vicarious agent. The provider is not liable for damages caused by slight negligence. Liability for consequential damages is excluded. The provider assumes no liability for any loss or damage to items that passengers leave in the vehicle or transport by themselves. Passengers are responsible for ensuring that they have not forgotten any items in the vehicle upon disembarkation.

  14. Force Majeure

    If the provider is prevented from fulfilling its contractual obligations due to force majeure, the provider is released from the obligation to perform for the duration of the obstacle. Force majeure includes events that are beyond the provider’s control and could not have been reasonably foreseen, such as natural disasters, war, terrorist attacks, official measures, labor disputes, power failures, or significant operational disruptions. If the force majeure lasts longer than three months, both parties are entitled to terminate the contract. The provider will immediately inform the customer about the occurrence of force majeure.

  15. Data Protection

    The provider collects, processes, and uses personal data of the customer within the framework of the statutory provisions and the provider’s privacy policy. The provider takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure data security and data protection. The customer has the right to access, correct, and delete their personal data in accordance with the statutory provisions. The provider is entitled to store the customer’s data for the purpose of fulfilling the contract and providing the services. The provider may use the customer’s data for marketing purposes, provided the customer has given their consent. The customer can revoke their consent at any time.

  16. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

    The contractual relationship between the provider and the customer is subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the contractual relationship is the provider’s registered office, provided the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law, or a special fund under public law.

  17. Severability Clause

    If any provision of these General Terms and Conditions is or becomes invalid or unenforceable, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision that comes closest to the economic purpose of the invalid or unenforceable provision.

  18. Final Provisions

    The provider reserves the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions at any time. The amended General Terms and Conditions will be communicated to the customer in writing or electronically. The customer has the right to object to the amended General Terms and Conditions within two weeks after receipt. If the customer does not object within this period, the amended General Terms and Conditions shall be deemed accepted. If the customer objects, the provider has the right to terminate the contractual relationship.

Privacy Policy

  1. Scope of Application

    This Privacy Policy applies to the collection, processing, and use of personal data in connection with the use of the website and the services offered by Cirou Chauffeurservice München GmbH. Personal data are individual details about personal or factual circumstances of an identified or identifiable natural person.

  2. Responsible Entity

    The responsible entity for data processing is: Cirou Chauffeurservice München GmbH Edisonstr.6 85716 Unterschleißheim Germany Tel: +49 89 21537550 Email:

  3. Data Collection and Use

    The provider collects personal data of the customer in the following cases:
    • When registering on the website
    • When booking transportation services
    • When contacting the provider The provider uses the collected data for the following purposes:
    • To provide and improve the services
    • To process bookings and payments
    • To communicate with the customer
    • To fulfill legal obligations
    • For marketing purposes, provided the customer has given their consent

  4. Data Transfer

    The provider may transfer personal data to third parties in the following cases:
    • To fulfill contractual obligations (e.g., to drivers)
    • To service providers (e.g., payment processors, IT service providers)
    • To authorities, if required by law The provider ensures that third parties comply with data protection regulations and use the data only for the specified purposes.

  5. Cookies

    The website uses cookies to improve the user experience and to analyze website usage. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the user’s device. The user can disable the use of cookies in their browser settings. However, this may limit the functionality of the website.

  6. Data Security

    The provider takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against unauthorized access, loss, and misuse. The provider regularly reviews and updates these measures to ensure data security.

  7. User Rights

    The user has the following rights regarding their personal data:
    • Right to access
    • Right to correction
    • Right to deletion
    • Right to restriction of processing
    • Right to data portability
    • Right to object to data processing To exercise these rights, the user can contact the provider at the contact details provided above. The provider will process requests in accordance with the statutory provisions and inform the user about the outcome.

  8. Changes to the Privacy Policy

    The provider reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time. The amended Privacy Policy will be communicated to the user in writing or electronically. The user has the right to object to the amended Privacy Policy within two weeks after receipt. If the user does not object within this period, the amended Privacy Policy shall be deemed accepted. If the user objects, the provider has the right to terminate the contractual relationship.


For more details or to address any queries, please contact us at: Cirou Chauffeurservice München GmbH Edisonstr.6 85716 Unterschleißheim Germany Tel: +49 89 21537550 Email: